Our Beans

our beans

Our beans have origins from unbelievable suppliers to guarantee a high-quality product for you. We offer whole beans and ground coffee, however you will experience the best cup of coffee if you grind the coffee just prior to brewing. Get in touch with us and we can provide links to high-quality grinders which are under $100.

We can grind the beans more coarsely if desired, for French Press or cold-brew coffee, but you will need to let us know about the request. Additionally if you have a desire to create your own blend, contact us and we may be able to do so. Thanks again for looking and we hope you enjoy our coffee!

Our coffee labels show the block during which they finished roasting, so you can always see how fresh the beans are by looking up the block. We strive to provide the best coffee and if you ever have issues, comments, concerns, or praise, please contact us anytime.

Bitcoin Swag

We are beta testing some other bitcoin swag. Like the world needs another bitcoin hat or bitcoin shirt store, but we simply want to test the waters with our designs.

Lastly, we would also like to support other bitcoin-centric businesses, so please check out Oshi, Lightning Network Stores, & spendabit.

Coffee beans

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